Anne Schneider
In 1996, Anne Schneider left her Houston manufacturing corporation for the serene terrain of the Texas Hill Country—a perfect place to retire from the business world and focus instead on her own interior landscape. The region’s rolling hills and emerald green Guadalupe River fostered the healer within her through poetry writing and publishing, mask making, yoga, tai chi teaching, and ultimately Reiki—each rising up like the river’s life-giving headwaters.
Anne received her initiation as an Usui Shiki Ryoho Reiki Master in 2010, and offers Reiki sessions and classes at her Kerrville studio in that small conservative community. She cultivates Reiki’s presence among doctors, clinics, and hospitals there. Embarking on a lifelong public education campaign for Reiki, Anne regularly presents free talks and demonstrations and writes articles for a regional magazine—highlighting various Reiki aspects, keeping Reiki in the public eye and inviting conversations.
In 2017, Anne developed a volunteer Reiki program at the South Texas Veterans Administration Medical Center, training a team of her students to share Reiki weekly with inpatient Veterans. In addition to this worthwhile program, she joined a STVAMC staff team bringing mental health information to Veterans and the public. “Making Connections Reaching Veterans” targeted community needs, reached out to professional presenters, and hosted themed events quarterly.
Anne became a member of The Reiki Alliance in 2017, attending both its following annual conferences prior to the pandemic. She found interaction with so many international Reiki Masters to be inspiring—sharing experiences and knowledge, wisdom and guidance. Anne discovered that same inspiration, assisting TRA’s first virtual conference in 2021—serving on the Americas Time Zone Team, offering programs to attendees. She serves TRA as its Local Representative for the USA-Southwest & California region. She also is an assistant to TRA’s Newsletter Team, aiding its annual publications totaling 10,000 words, in 8 languages.
I’ve been drawn to Reiki Home for years—its work in the world to benefit all Reiki lineages and levels, offering everyone opportunities for growth personally and socially, as a new self-supporting culture. While I believe it’s important to adapt to what is, I believe it to be my calling to evolve into what could be. I see the world changing, with new challenges all the time. I have gratitude for the new opportunities we as a community can cultivate through Reiki Home and I serve on its Council to support that evolution. ~ Anne Schneider, USA