

The Story of Reiki Home

Reiki Home in Motion

Reiki Home is in motion; it is on an unfolding journey. As more people connect and explore the concept of Reiki Home, a global community is growing to share the joy of Reiki in Action.

As this community grows, Reiki Home invites us to celebrate our diversity, to move beyond the limitation of words, and to include our hearts in the conversation. Our hearts open us to a different way of being together, inviting us to discover a place where the essence of Reiki in Action can be seen and felt. From this space, we can experience new ways to connect with each other. In this active, living community, new ideas and experiences bring light to our shared ways of being together. Our diversity becomes our strength.

We participate in Reiki in Action and celebrate community. We grow with each gift shared, each question asked, each comment made. Join this journey of Reiki in Action.

Together, we are called to step into the world, to be seen, to be heard, and to bring the gift of healing so all life flourishes. It is so simple and yet so profound.

My Gift of Gratitude


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