Gratitude is one key aspect of our daily Reiki practice.
For the past year, most of us have lived inside. For some, we shared space with others and for others we lived by ourselves. The world situation invited us to live from within, to explore our minds, hearts and spirits in new ways.
At times, there was pain, grief, anger, loneliness. At other times there was joy, laughter, new depth in relationships and discovery of new gifts. For most of us, there was a mixture of these experiences. Throughout this time of living within, we changed. We are now emerging with new perspectives, thoughts and ways of being.
Reiki Home invites you to join each other in a special new season for gratitude. Each day you will receive a beautiful photo with a gratitude expression from someone within our community. May they inspire you to notice the things for which you are grateful.
As you reflect, please share your gratitude by completing the sentence “I am grateful for…” and
sharing with us. These statements will be used for the next seasons of gratitude.