Treechild offers the Earthsong circle with creative visualization for self healing and Earth healing. She sings for all and guides participants in creating a Reiki circle around the globe.
What do you know about 'ki', the breath or energy in reiki? The concept of ki is central to Asian medicine and culture. Together we will explore our understanding and deepen our awareness of ki in order to enrich our practice of reiki and our health. The 7-week course cultivates an awareness of ki and […]
What do you know about 'ki', the breath or energy in reiki? The concept of ki is central to Asian medicine and culture. Together we will explore our understanding and deepen our awareness of ki in order to enrich our practise of reiki and our health. The 7-week course cultivates an awareness of ki and […]
Together in Reiki circles create an opportunity to sit in a virtual circle. Each facilitator and host offers a variety of ways to experience a Reiki circle by bringing their own creativity, sensitivity and gifts from Reiki. You are encouraged to enjoy a unique experience. Participate in a language you do not speak and experience […]
The purpose of this webcast series is to bring harmony, compassion and healing into our world so that together we create and enjoy a better future. Many arms of service will be explored, such as: strengthening the current life force, bringing the world together in workable ways, listening to the voices of the land, science of […]
Together in Reiki circles create an opportunity to sit in a virtual circle. Each facilitator and host offers a variety of ways to experience a Reiki circle by bringing their own creativity, sensitivity and gifts from Reiki. You are encouraged to enjoy a unique experience. Participate in a language you do not speak and experience […]
This is an offline, silent meditation. Send reiki and light to: 1) everyone's potential to realize world peace; 2) to heal and reconcile all inhabitants of Planet Earth; and 3) to joy and love for every living thing.
Together in Reiki circles create an opportunity to sit in a virtual circle. Each facilitator and host offers a variety of ways to experience a Reiki circle by bringing their own creativity, sensitivity and gifts from Reiki. You are encouraged to enjoy a unique experience. Participate in a language you do not speak and experience […]
There is an urgency within Planet Earth; it is strong. The planet longs for peace and healing. We creatures, inhabitants of this planet, feel this urgency. Sometimes, we are tempted to give up. The effort is huge and the results seem so little. As we listen to this urgency, we do our best to respond […]
Blue Earth Webcast Series: There is an urgency within Planet Earth; it is strong. The planet longs for peace and healing. We creatures, inhabitants of this planet, feel this urgency. Sometimes, we are tempted to give up. The effort is huge and the results seem so little. As we listen to this urgency, we do […]
Together in Reiki circles create an opportunity to sit in a virtual circle. Each facilitator and host offers a variety of ways to experience a Reiki circle by bringing their own creativity, sensitivity and gifts from Reiki. You are encouraged to enjoy a unique experience. Participate in a language you do not speak and experience […]
Treechild offers the Earthsong circle with creative visualization for self healing and Earth healing. She sings for all and guides participants in creating a Reiki circle around the globe.
Together in Reiki circles create an opportunity to sit in a virtual circle. Each facilitator and host offers a variety of ways to experience a Reiki circle by bringing their own creativity, sensitivity and gifts from Reiki. You are encouraged to enjoy a unique experience. Participate in a language you do not speak and experience […]
This is an offline, silent meditation. Send reiki and light to: 1) everyone's potential to realize world peace; 2) to heal and reconcile all inhabitants of Planet Earth; and 3) to everyone's potential to forgive and to love.
The Transformation Game is a profound tool for healing, transformation and growth created in Findhorn. Treechild is trained as a facilitator by Kathy Tyler (co-creator of the Transformation Game). Having worked with the Game for over 30 years, Treechild brings her joy, enthusiasm and wisdom to the unique process of healing created by the setting […]
The Transformation Game is a profound tool for healing, transformation and growth created in Findhorn. Treechild is trained as a facilitator by Kathy Tyler (co-creator of the Transformation Game). Having worked with the Game for over 30 years, Treechild brings her joy, enthusiasm and wisdom to the unique process of healing created by the setting […]
Together in Reiki circles create an opportunity to sit in a virtual circle. Each facilitator and host offers a variety of ways to experience a Reiki circle by bringing their own creativity, sensitivity and gifts from Reiki. You are encouraged to enjoy a unique experience. Participate in a language you do not speak and experience […]
The Earth needs peace now. We can do something. We can heal the Earth with Reiki now and create reconciliation and peace for all the inhabitants upon the Earth and within our heart. We thank Marta Getty for her deep intuition of our necessities and for creating this practice. La terra ha bisogno di pace, […]
21:00 in Italy/CET | Noon - 12:45 pm PDT Monthly Meditations In addition to the Engaged Conversation webcasts, Chiara will facilitate a monthly Blue Earth Meditation Circle that expands the collective research done during the Engaged Conversations. This is Reiki Home's gift - an open meditation and anyone may attend; remaining dates for the meditations […]
These circles offer an opportunity to send Reiki to each other and to topics/requests as the circle is interactive. Our time together is as much about self-care to strengthen us as about sending distant Reiki to others - a way of showing gratitude to every living thing. Each circles closes with a guided sending from […]
Together in Reiki circles create an opportunity to sit in a virtual circle. Each facilitator and host offers a variety of ways to experience a Reiki circle by bringing their own creativity, sensitivity and gifts from Reiki. You are encouraged to enjoy a unique experience. Participate in a language you do not speak and experience […]
Treechild offers the Earthsong circle with creative visualization for self healing and Earth healing. She sings for all and guides participants in creating a Reiki circle around the globe.
Together in Reiki circles create an opportunity to sit in a virtual circle. Each facilitator and host offers a variety of ways to experience a Reiki circle by bringing their own creativity, sensitivity and gifts from Reiki. You are encouraged to enjoy a unique experience. Participate in a language you do not speak and experience […]